How to Beat the Winter Blues
Simple ways to boost your energy and banish the winter blahs.
When the hours of daylight get shorter and the temperature gets colder, many of us fall into a funk. Here are some simple ways to boost your energy and improve your mood:
Catch some rays.
Whether it’s sitting by a window or bundling up for a walk outside, sun exposure can help. (Don’t forget to wear sunscreen year-round—not just in warmer months.)
Be social.
Phone a loved one or gather with friends for a card game. Several studies have found that socializing can lead to lower rates of loneliness and depression.
Adapt your hobbies.
Look for ways to bring your fair-weather fun indoors. Too cold for a walk outside? Try walking laps in your home or a local mall. If your garden is out of season, set up a shelf of indoor plants.
If your sadness persists or gets worse, you might be suffering from seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression. It can affect how much you eat, whether you’re keeping up with personal hygiene, and how you’re sleeping. You don’t need to suffer. Speak with your doctor. Counseling, medication, or simple lifestyle changes can help.
This article was originally published in the winter 2022 issue of Clover Living magazine.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Kumar Dharmarajan
Published on 2/9/23
Photo credit: Getty